If you are visiting Timisoara and you don’t know the city, or you are just searching for a means of transport for large groups or VIPs, you can rent a car with a driver from Novum Rent a Car Timisoara.
Renting a car with a driver implies not only renting a vehicle, but also hiring a personal driver, so that your trip would be as safe and confortable as possible. Even more, all our drivers are experienced and English-speaking, so this service is also great for tourists.
Renting a car with a driver in Timisoara is a great choice whenever you want to go on a trip with the school, for example, or rent a limousine for special occasions or very important persons.
Our rent a car with a driver service in Timisoara may be used both for local and out of town transport, no matter how log the distance. If you use this service, you will not need to worry anymore about traffic jams or unknown routes. The driver will take care of everything.
The cars can be hired at our headquarters in Timisoara. We vouche both for the quality of our vehicles and our drivers.